Looking for some sailing gift ideas for that sailor in your life? Well let me give you a sneak peak of some of my favourite sailing gifts! These are either on my list, things I use regularly, or things I’ve been dreaming about for awhile 🙂

My Top 10 Gift Suggestions for Sailors

Number 10

Luci Light: Let me tell you if you have not purchased a Luci Light yet, YOU ARE MISSING OUT! I absolutely love my Luci Lights! Yes, I have several. They are easy to use, offer great light in and out of the boat, are waterproof, and can be easily hung up.

Number 9

Camping Hammock: Alright, I know what you are thinking. What does a hammock have to do with sailing gifts? Only EVERYTHING! I cannot tell you how peaceful it is to anchor, set up the hammock off the boom, and sit and read a book. As if sailing could get any more blissful.

Number 8

Collapsible Storage: Ok this one is definitely not sexy, but is very practical! Just like a camper or tent, space is a premium on a boat and having proper, and smart, storage solutions is a must. I love this set of bowls, and I also have the measuring spoons and cups too!

Number 7

Family Fun: if you spend time out on the boat as a family, rainy days can be challenging! But not if you have games like this fun knot game, Jenga or Spot It!

Number 6

Microfiber Towels: having a great towel on board that dries quickly is a must for any sailor and adventurer. These towels will hang easily over your lifelines or handrails. This is a simple sailing gift and I highly recommend them!

Number 5

Chart Toys: If your sailor is starting to dive into the world of Coastal Navigation, a Weems & Path Navigation set is essential! This set includes everything your sailor needs to dive into the world of charts and plotting.

Number 4

Plastimo Handheld Compass: This is by far my favourite handheld compass to work with. I LOVE my Plastimo (so much that I just bought hubby and the kids their own… shhh don’t tell!) and I would highly recommend this compass as a sailing gift. I have had mine since 1997, which should tell you something about its durability and construction.

Number 3

Dry Bag: I’m ashamed to admit that I only recently purchased a dry bag for my clothing! I have smaller bags for cellphones, tablets, etc., but I had not invested in one for clothes. So I did a bit of research and this MEC Slogg Dry Bag came up on top. It is perfect for day sailing, especially if you have to travel in a dinghy between shore and your boat. I absolutely love the simplicity of it and it works great! If you’re looking for more of a duffel bag, read my gear review post as well.

Number 2

Fid Set: If your sailor has expressed an interest in ropework, a set of fids will be essential! It can be fun sitting and creating eye splices in dock lines, or splicing your own halyard ends. There are a lot of books that can go along with this one, the most notable being Ashley’s Book of Knots.

Number 1

The gift of dreaming: My last suggestion is giving your sailor the gift of dreaming. Is there a particular place they have always talked about sailing? In that case, why not purchase a Cruising Guide for the area so they can start planning! I’ll be heading to Croatia in 2022, so that’s my next guide… hint hint 😉

In the end…

I hope you have found some of these sailing gifts helpful! Having fun tools, games, books and equipment on your boat can really make your sailing that much more enjoyable! Have fun with it! Get creative and think about how you can multipurpose things!

Happy sailing friends!


PS Be sure to sign up for my newsletters for more exciting ideas!

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